Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Makeup in the Morning


True story: the morning is my favorite time of the day because I get to put on makeup. I love makeup. I love the colors (although I tend to stick to neutrals), I love the process, I love the tools and freedom I have to wear as much or as little as I want. I am not one of those women you will find at the grocery store on a Sunday morning sans makeup. I never leave the house without it. Besides, it NEVER fails...you always run into ex-boyfriends there (why? how? they never went to the grocery store when I was dating them).

I swear by Bare Minerals. I used to be a devout liquid foundation user. I just wish someone had turned me onto Bare Minerals sooner, it changed my life (okay, that's a little bit of an exaggeration but it was a big day). 

Lately, the cat eye is something I've been practicing. I have incredibly fair skin and features (read: my eyebrows are invisible if I don't shade them in) so bold, dark makeup doesn't always suit me. Emma Stone continually amazes me. She is versatile not only in her hair color, but she can pull off a nude look or a bright red lip and you don't think twice about it.

**Maybe I'm behind, but I just discovered the Tumblr site This is Not New O.M.G. It's a collection of some of the best fashion pics the Internet has to offer. Love at first sight.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

MadCitySparkle Featured on Net-Vignette

Yay! My shops first feature! Sarah, from Net-Vingnette is totally diggin' MadCity's trays and I'm totally lovin' her blog. It's so cute. Check it out!

Thanks so much Sarah, for the feature!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh, Hello There


Hi! And welcome. I'm Nicole, first time blogger and long-time blog reader of many blogs highlighting fashion, food and interior design (check out my growing list of daily reads in the sidebar). 

My motivation for creating a blog was my Etsy shop. I opened MadCitySparkle in October of 2011, and I've received a lot of positive feedback - huge thanks to those who support the shop! I wanted a platform where I could showcase new items and make shop announcements on a grander scale. If you haven't checked out MadCitySparkle, head on over. There's a shortcut to the shop in the sidebar.

Check back frequently for shop updates, pretty, sparkly things and my latest obsessions.